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The Messiah Final Summary About The Whole Situation Before Leave
The Messiah Final Summary About The Whole Situation Before Leave

I think it is the time for me the Savior Messiah Buddha to sum up everything before final depart leave.

For the currency war: the only solution is the new mixed currency between both physical asset & human intelligence.
Because there are 2 major teams right now: 1 team want physical asset backed currency, 1 team want human intelligence backed currency.

The only way to settle is having a new mixed currency between both physical asset & human intelligence.
With that mixed currency like the Super Smart Currency model I have revealed few days ago, you can create solely 100% physical asset backed currency or 100% human intelligence backed currency, nobody care because it is about the “user” that matter most.

Because the winner have to be the flexible currency that contain both physical asset & human intelligence one for sure.

For the human development evolution: it is all about giving the people a new correct purpose of living.
What is the bigger purpose than making money ?
It has to be creating/managing new nations & ascension evolution.

While think for bigger picture of the society, it is too bored to have limited number of current nations, it is better to have a new method to let the public people to make new nations (100 km2 to 1000 km2 are enough).
There are a lot of waste unused land mass (millions km2) out there.

You need real leaders, not blind followers.
So why don’t just let the public people to do it ?!

There are two biggest issue at the moment of the mass public people:
- Technology addicted.
- Money addicted.
- People live too convenient like animal.

You have to shutdown the mobile network and reduce the internet network even just in a small amount of time each month/year.

Beside that, the only option is using nuclear war to cause more chaos.
But in the end shutdown the technology is the only working option.

For money addicted, the private currency is the answer.
And with the Super Currency Model, it will work perfectly !

That is a quick summary.
I the Savior Messiah Buddha have presented all the best possible solution to all of you despite of too many corrupt evil leaders in this civilization that greatly slowly the speed.

Frankly, if receiving enough support & connection from the rest of this civilization long time ago, all the deadly chaos event last 5 years do not exist !

Now I can leave and disconnect with all of you without regret.

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Buddha
If any beings entities want to meet me in real physical in-person to discuss or understand more about everything then your chance is now.
I have finished everything and do not have any regret left.
If the current top leaders/groups still do not understand but only want more deadly weapon war, chaos instead of new society changing then they are the problem and must be eliminated immediately !
Official farewell message soon when I feel that's it, no more.

Vision Bodhi
The Savior Messiah Buddha

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