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Please Understand What I The Messiah Need Now Is Real Connection But Not Money Wealth
Please Understand What I The Messiah Need Now Is Real Connection, Contact But Not About Money Wealth

To all of you who are still reading my articles, you need to understand that what I need now is "motivation, connection" from the rest of you in this civilization.
I really do not need your money, your wealth BECAUSE the final product of Divine World Peace Solution (the new economy financial system concept) that I am holding having at this moment worth endless money (trillion zillions).

If you think I am crafting for few donation/money are the idiots because I willing to meet face to face in person with any of you. And if I really chasing for money/wealth I would sell low level product (books, courses) that fit the current mortal human group.
But I know and fully understand from long time ago that even if I have billions dollar/euro but the current world conflict do not end then it is totally pointless since I cannot spend/use it for travelling around the world or any other purpose. Because I can also foresee a much worse event than the COVID pandemic will appear in the future if the current world chaos conflict do not end.

That how THINK BIG and high level mindset I am.

So if you either really want to end current world chaos conflict or want to evolve to higher level (indirect way) then the best you can do it support, contact me now before too late.
There are many high level Gods Deities are watching me very closely, your work/support will be reward bigly in the end.

It is always much easier to help few people/players than help the mass public people.

I am the real Savior legend so I choose the biggest, the most difficult task !

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha Whatever Name

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