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The Messiah New Tactics To Make America Great Again |
Posted by: VisionBodhi - 11-06-2024, 11:01 AM - Forum: Everything
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The Messiah New Tactics To Make America Great Again
Read Only.
It is either go big and do things that never exist or do nothing.
The only reason I craft and share this article is hoping some smart guys left can recognize and understand with purpose of making money to help my family members, nothing else.
If you want to make America USA great again, if must separate problems, issues and goals.
There are 2 major things in life: finance and people social life.
For finance issue, you must cut the cost/expense and make more money by using all the “tools” you have.
- For cutting the expense, I have shared my overall tactic so I do not want to repeat here.
- For the “making money”: there are a lot of strategy that I have shared and have not shared.
The newest tactic is using “identification card/passport” to force all companies who using that data to pay a fair share amount of money.
All the banks who using people identification card/passport that issued by the authority/government must pay such $10 or $20 dollar for registration or per 1 user and per year and/or % of money depend on their net profit per month/year.
The people identification card/passport paper here including the existing one and the potential new one of personal self chosen name national ID card.
This tactic and policy will not only apply to banks but also all other industry. Sound pretty crazy but very realistic and truth because now all companies are using paper issued by the authority for free.
Ask yourself what if no any government issued paper exist ?
Then I don’t think those company can run properly, let alone able to make profit !
- Setup a new company that only for purpose of acting as shareholder.
Using it for purpose that company prefer pay via “dividend” instead of fixed amount money. Only need 1 company and that company only for purpose of receiving money, no spending nor buying/selling.
For people life: you can secure border and reduce corruption by have 2 tier ID paper.
The first one is already exist: State Identification card and the US passport.
The second one (new) MUST be the: whole US national ID card.
And only people/citizens who have the first one paper are allow to obtain the new one.
The new one will have a new field of “personal self chosen name”.
While registration, must ask people how they got the “state identification” or “US passport” paper (authentic or corruption or whatever…).
Make new rule that all the officials who “help” illegal immigrant must receive heavily punishment.
About the major goal is help the private capitalism currency come online by issue new laws related to that.
All of above policies are very “basic”, “simple” but straight forward and extremely effective.
It will work for not only the America but also many countries as well.
If any entities want to use above ideas/solutions, please contact me as soon as possible.
Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Buddha
Vision Bodhi
There Are Only 2 Potential Scripts For US Election Result But Lead To Same Final..... |
Posted by: VisionBodhi - 11-06-2024, 04:15 AM - Forum: Everything
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There Are Only 2 Potential Scripts For The US Election Result But Lead To A Same Final Outcome: A Great USA Reset
To me, I only able to see 2 positive potential scripts for the US election result:
1. Donald Trump win.
2. Direct US military appear and interfere.
Because the purpose is to have a great USA reset or a new golden era, new more fairer, more interesting society system (including not only finance but also identification system, laws, etc.).
I have shared and revealed my great new unique ideas and solutions for all those things. Whether you believe or not, it is totally up to you.
For the scenario 1 of Donald Trump win: then the US Government and US military must contact me directly to sign secret deal/agreement to use all of my great solutions, new unique concepts in advance before they use it into the public affair.
For the scenario 2 of US military appear and interfere: then they will announce some kind of big bounty reward for “new unique solution advice” to “reset/rebuild” the USA nation. And probably my concept/idea/solution will be get through too.
The first action for the USA rebuild/reset MUST be a new national ID card that allow people to self pick/choose their own name.
Then new type of company and laws will appear related to that “basic simple great” strategy.
Then there could be some new private currency rules, etc.
No matter what options all those “decision makers” decide, all of them will lead to using my new great tactics, I just do not see any other outcome !
Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Buddha
The World Will Become A Better Place When All The Useless Leaders Gone |
Posted by: VisionBodhi - 11-05-2024, 09:16 AM - Forum: Everything
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The World Will Become A Better Place When All The Useless Leaders Gone
There are too many useless leaders in this world.
And they are the one who responsible for all the world chaos last 6 years by directly refuse me the real Savior Messiah Buddha.
Do you know what?
Even the beings/entities who gave out “orders command” must also follow some set of rules. They cannot give out any crazy orders if there are not any “cure” or strong enough player exist on the current game of life on Earth.
Which mean all the orders such as COVID Pandemic or war in Ukraine Russia, Israel Palestine, Myanmar, etc. cannot occur if there is not any STRONG SMART enough player who can “counter” it or “solve” that problem.
That is the ETERNAL way of life.
And the only strong enough player who can solve those problem is me the real Savior Messiah Buddha. But nobody believe in me, nobody support/help me, nobody listen to me, nobody respect me at all !
All the current war chaos will only end when I the real Savior Messiah Buddha receive support and respect from the leaders of this civilization.
But all the current useless leaders do not respect me so if you want world peace then just pray for all current useless leaders gone, vanish and the new one will realize, recognize, respect me with real meaningful action and of course I must still accept to help because once my desire fully gone, there is nothing can help this civilization beside total collapse, total destruction !
That is the truth of life that little know !
Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Buddha
The Corruption And Stupid Of Current Vietnam Regime Is Off The Chart |
Posted by: VisionBodhi - 11-05-2024, 09:05 AM - Forum: Everything
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The Corruption And Stupid Of Current Vietnam Regime Is Off The Chart
My current Passport is fine and accepted by Singapore, Thailand and India (these countries I have traveled). But those stupid useless Vietnam police still say no and force me to make a new Passport one.
Just back from the immigration department and they said I cannot make a new Passport because they told me I must to do it online with brand new national ID card that including chip technology within.
Do you know what ?
My current national ID card is fine and have expire date till 2031 but they still won’t accept.
In order to create national ID online account, I must gone through 2 steps that need approved by local police.
Overall it takes amount 1 month if I want to make a new Passport.
I have no words left for the current corrupt stupid Vietnam regime.
If have opportunity, I will probably abandon my Vietnam passport and using the Singapore or US or NZ, AUS passport one.
Therefore now, all of my travel plan to some sacred places are off the table due to the stupid corrupt of current Vietnam authority. They don’t give people choice, they don’t respect others but only force the people what they want.
Tell that to the world military that unless the current Vietnam and Malaysia regime gone (because the Malaysian is the one to destroy my Passport first), I am not going to allow the Vietnamese to use any of my ideas solutions forever !
Technology are only good if you know how to use it and with current situation, I am sure all the top leaders are just bunch of useless leaders, no more no less !
The Savior Messiah Buddha
More Natural Disaster Will Come To Wake Up Humanity |
Posted by: VisionBodhi - 11-04-2024, 04:43 AM - Forum: Human Development Evolution
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More Natural Disaster Will Come To Wake Up Humanity
That is the natural way of life since ancient time and long time ago.
If you do not evolve, then the nature Earth will do that job for you indirectly way !
It is matter of time before people realize they did the biggest mistake of ignoring the real Savior Messiah Buddha.
Vision Bodhi
You Must Create Or Change The System If Want Better Society |
Posted by: VisionBodhi - 11-04-2024, 04:19 AM - Forum: Everything
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You Must Create Or Change The System If Want Better Society
If you want a better, more interesting society then you must either change the system or create new system.
Because books, videos can only temporary and will be forget later.
There are 2 type of system: the government system and the private digital app system.
It is may difficult and hard to change the government system but it will extremely easy to create/make new private digital app system then make it become of “thing” of the society.
Unfortunately, the top leaders of this mortal realm are too dumb, too stupid to releaize that fact of life !
I do not see how you can end current world chaos without changing the current system or create a new private digital app system that can benefit/help the people.
The Savior Messiah Buddha
Financial System Or People Management System, Which Is More Important ? |
Posted by: VisionBodhi - 11-04-2024, 04:01 AM - Forum: Everything
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Financial System Or People Management System, Which Is More Important ?
With my new idea of the personal self chosen name on personal ID card/paper, you will have a brand new of “international people/human management system”.
You already have international financial system.
But I am wondering between the “international financial system” vs “international human/people management system”, which one will be more value, more important ?
For high level beings then the answer has to be the “international human/people management system”.
But for the low level beings, that answer will be “international financial system”.
You have the East vs the West, 2 team.
Now you also have 2 system for them to choose between “people system” vs “financial system”.
Why don’t they choose quick and end war chaos ?!
Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Buddha
Vision Bodhi
Nuclear War Or USA Bankruptcy ? |
Posted by: VisionBodhi - 11-04-2024, 03:49 AM - Forum: Everything
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Nuclear War Or USA Bankruptcy ?
If all of you do not listen and support/invest in my great ideas, solution then there are only 2 options left on the table: nuclear war or USA bankruptcy !
Even natural mega disaster occur more often, that won’t change the fact human are the one that must make decision for their life (not any natural deities/gods).
The USA bankruptcy should occur instead of nuclear war because the final result are still the same (you guys must listen and recognize me as the real Savior Messiah then must using my unique ideas solution).
And in term of management, what is the point of continue to lead a company with 30 trillions dollar in debt ? It is better to declare bankrupt and start a new one instead ! You may lose your “face” but your internal feeling will be much better but frankly who care about the illusion “nation company title” ?!
The Savior Messiah Buddha
The Great America USA Reset Must Begin With New Personal Identity Paper Card |
Posted by: VisionBodhi - 11-03-2024, 02:02 AM - Forum: Everything
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The Great America USA Reset Must Begin With New Personal Identity Paper Card
Now there is no a common national identification paper for US citizenship.
They only have state ID card and US passport.
The great America (USA) reset MUST begin with the reform of personal identification paper card. And that also must be special and difference than all other national ID card of other nations.
And the only option is using my new suggestion of let people have/decide/create their own self chosen name while still keeping the parents given name !
Then couple of years later, move to the Passport system (after reaching the deal/agreement with other nations).
That is a very basic simple strategy but will greatly effective.
My strategy/method focus on SKILL, QUALITY !
While others stupid beings are focus on speed and quantity !
Who is the “correct” ? Just ask your GOD and have their own judgement.
Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Buddha