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Without Deal Investment, I am Going To Leave In October 2024

As the Savior Messiah, I have tried my best to save, to help this civilization.
But there are too many useless eater leaders in this world who do not live with normal human mindset but only rely on other low level thing and stupid stuffs.

What is the point of continue while do not receive support from others ?
I do not see any reason at all.

You cannot evolve, cannot learn new things if only want destruction (dead) !

Use common sense please if you want to become better beings in life.
You must learn, must try to create new things for only new creation (birth) can teach you about new lesson !

I have decide to leave so that other God(s) and high level deities to come in to take all necessary actions.

All of persons, entities who refused to support my vision is going to be in my blacklisted forever which mean they must disband/gone if want to use any of my idea, vision, solution.

I am going to leave very soon, there is no specific dates but it will occur in October 2024. There could a be an announcement or not from me, does not really matter.

I think it is enough and I can leave without any regret.

Whether I will return in the future or not, I not sure but that chance is extremely small.

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Buddha 

Vision Bodhi
Very disappointed with the rest of this civilization especially the top group/entities and I think I must leave to let other destruction God come in and do their job.
If talk, words are not enough then only punishment with actions can do !
Although there are about more than a day until the deadline really end but I do not have much hope.
It is very tough to me to make the final call for various reasons but I will make that final call very soon.
Some extra time because of new plan, new choice, new option for the rest of you.
But for the next several days only.
Still no investment for any of my great new unique projects including both economy and ascension evolution topic.

What are you thinking ?

Only real product service can talk and the real evidence of life, all the ideology philosophy are pointless in this mortal human world.

Investing now before too late !
The big real war between "God team" vs "mortal beings team" will occur very soon.
No more patience, no more mercy !